Wednesday 20 April 2022

Democracy is dead - long live democracy!

This article by Iain Davis is long but really worth a read and gives his thoughs on the use of sortition to give us the real democracy we have never had.

I highly recommend it.



  1. Thanks Niall. An interesting article. What is depressing is that the Athenian democracy lasted such a short time. It seemed to take such little time for it to turn into a aristocracy. The problem seemed to be that there was no defence against such a power grab.

    Three sentences, from the article, could form the basis for extensive discussions, in themselves.

    "Democracy is the rule of law without rulers."

    "All citizens in a democracy have a duty to remain informed and to actively pursue justice."

    "It is clear that representative democracy does not serve the people. On the contrary, it is an oligarchical system that oppresses the people."

  2. In some ways, this is the most important part of the article, as it is the opposite of democracy:

    "It is obvious what the globalist oligarchs wish to transition us into. They envisage a system of global governance operating as a technocracy, powered by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a Great Reset, Central Bank Digital Currency, and other centralized, digital forms of controlling the masses."

  3. Yes indeed it gives a lot to think about but for me the essence of democracy is still the opinion of the majority whether they are supposedly well informed or not.

    What is abundantly clear to me is the decisions of our politicians are no better and generally worse than the collective opinion of the 'People'.

    1. Yes, and individual rights. THA Demands 1, 2 4 & 5 are absolutely essential to a functioning democracy. What is worrying is how easily and quickly, the power grab took place in Athens.

      I feel that you are being too kind about the decisions of our politicians. They seem to think that one bit of expertise, whatever that is they think they have, makes them experts in all fields and they make decisions accordingly or select so called experts that fit in with their world view. The collective opinion of the 'People' would be a far safer bet.

      The coming economic collapse I believe is now inevitable and not that far away, so all this is moot.

  4. Representative democracy is a clever method of subjugation.

    1. It is being used in exactly that way, sadly. The glimmer of hope is that more and more are becoming aware.
