Thursday, 12 January 2023

Update for January 2023

 Since the unfortunate cancellation of our 10th anniversary meeting in November last year, for which I had been preparing, posting on here was put on hold.

However, I have actually not been inactive as I have been commenting most days, to a much wider audience, on Dr North's  blog Turbulent Times.,

Dr North, the main author of our pamphlet back in 2012, is clearly a strong supporter and advocate of our six demands and writes daily on the main events of the day to which I regularily contribute, particularily on matters pertaining to the state of our governance and the need for reform.

I try and point out when ever I can that we need a government of the people, for the people and by the people” thus turning our politicians into our servants instead of our masters.

are living in an age of decadence as described by Sir John Glubb in his essay ‘The Fate of Empires’ and will continue in our decline until the people wake up and demand change. Currently the 'People' are still too comfortable and too busy trying to survive to think about reform of our governance let alone to start campaigning.

In time things will change as our politicians do not serve the desires and wishes of the ma
jority as they are too out of touch and detached from reality and avoid at all costs confrontation with the MSM, the Green Movement, Human Right Lawyers, H&S issues and all other active minority pressure groups. 

I would just point out there is a wealth of information on this blog to read and you can always contact me off the top bar of this blog.

Finally, if you want to enter the debate I hope you will consider reading TT every day and joining in on the comment section.


  1. "and avoid at all costs confrontation with the MSM." I would go further and wonder how much tax payer money has been paid for scare mongering adverts about covid and clot shots to the MSM? They are in each others pockets.

    There is only one line now on any story, the UniParty/MSM line. If you want an open discussion about anything remotely seen as controversial, head for the blogosphere ie Turbulent Times.

    THA's time will come.

  2. I think if the British people were given the choice, they would vote to end our migrant crisis. I would make the case for net zero immigration and can be assured many would support that. I think the people's desires for our energy would be that of self sufficiency and also affordability. A functioning health service. Political independence. Government paying off our debt. Affordable housing for all. I don't see any of our parties coming close to serving the interests of the British people. In other words, those we elect are the ones denying us our desires. Surely that isn't the point of having a state and democracy? Yet as we all know here and on TT at least, we don't have democracy. I think the only solution to the situation where a couple of thousand people at most perform tyranny over 70 million. As we know, direct democracy is the only answer.

    1. Agreed but the gulf is huge between our current oligarchy and direct democracy. The unanswered question is how to get from the current oligarchy to direct democracy.

    2. All we can do is make the argument. GB News is striking out to be an alternative to the rest of the MSM. I guess we need to sow the seeds. Neil Oliver seems to be a good bloke.

    3. I'm becoming concerned about GBNews now that the company has insisted that Mark Steyn pay any OfCom fines and goes on OfCom 're-education' courses! As a result, Mark Steyn has decided to leave. How long before the 'government' through OfCom, gets rid of Neil Oliver?

      Is GBNews becoming part of the establishment?

  3. Very much so. They're being attacked.

  4. Come on Nial. Don't drop the bloody ball. I would have come if it hadn't been for three North's flip flopping and hypocrisy.

    1. Stuart contact me off the THA blog and I'll chat to you on the telephone,

    2. PS. Drop the ball?! I've been the only one carrying for thr last 10 years!!!!!
