Our fifth demand 'No taxation or spending without consent' is essential as unless we have the POWER to control the government's spending plans they will still be able to waste our money as all governments seem to do.
This is far from a new problem and Sir Alan Herbert the distinguished MP, author, rhymester,
wit and social reformer wrote this in 1930.
Well fancy giving money to the government!
Might as well have put it down the drain.
Fancy giving money to the government!
Nobody will see the stuff again.
Well, they’ve no idea what money’s for –
Ten to one they’ll start another war.
I’ve heard a lot of silly things but Lor’!
Fancy giving money to the government!
We need the POWER to control the government's spending, which afterall is our money in the first place, and I feel pretty sure the 'People's' spending priorities will be alot more realistic than those of our governments.